lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

Maybe why could investigate the history of the music an the dances of the us.
whe also can put the music that we can lisen at engilsh

what I did over the Weekend

My mom went to a tae kwon do seminar the entire weekend, so my dad, my brother and I were left alone. On friday, I went with Bruno, my boyfriend, to watch a movie and to hang out around town. My brother went over to the neighbors house to play and to swim for the entire weekend. My dad and I on saturday I stayed home cleaning up the kitchen my dad left durty. On sunday I had planed to go out with Bruno, but I couldn't call him because I had no credit on my phone, so I wne with my dad to the towns mueseum, we also got an ice-cream. We rented the movie Megamind, went home and that was my entire weekend. Brenna
WHAT WE CAN DO FOR A DANCE PRESENTATION It would be an excellent idea to do a video and show it on presentation day . we could do a movie night and sell tickets . MY WEEKEND Well my weekend was kind of confusing.It was do confusing i dont remember it.

a fun weekend

what i did this weekend

On friday, I went to eat pizza with my girlfriend, then we were in town for a couple of hours, after we went to the movies. I went home and fell asleep. On saturday I woke up at 1:00 pm and went to my friend's house and swam a lot and ate pizza again.

By: Bruno Garza

What we can do for a Music and Dance presentation...

  • We can talk about the best music that the United States have
  • Classifying the music and dance in groups
  • The bands and soloist
  • Type like rock, pop, electronic, etc.
  • The instruments that they need to do diferents types of music.

Ideas about what we can do for a Music and Dance presentation

Ideas: 1.- We can do a coreography with the entire class 2.- Talk about the diferent kinds of singer that where named the king of that genre 3.- Instuments around the world 4.- The different ages of clasical music 5.- Evolution of dance 6.- Dance around the world 7.- How singers today don't have talent 8.- How singers stay popular for yeats Brenna

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

what my friends like about me is...

I don't know, let me ask... sean: you are easy to talk to ana: you are funny, understanding, huggable. bruno: you're stupid, you like to kick ass brenna: you're funny and entertaining farid: you're my cousin. abish: you're my best friend! well there you go! that's why my friends like me! leslie!
If I could change one thing about Colegio Siglo xxi I get rid of all the work.

The thing I like about me is that I'm very funny and a good friend.

I'm a good kid and I like it very much.


What my friends like about me

What my friends like about me is that I'm funny.

The thing I like about myself best is...

Things I like about my self are bad and the ones I dont like are good. Bad things like I'm sassy, dering, i do what i feel like. Good thing is when I get mad with my mom for forsing me to do some thing I dont what but I do it enyway!

leslie O.

What my friends like about me

It's hard to say, because I act differently with everybody, according to their age and how well I know them. With my close friends I'm very fun and creative, and with friends who aren't so close I'm usually more quiet and shy.

by: Brenna
The thing I like the most of myself is that I can get along with almost anybody.

The thing I like about myself

The thing I like about myself is my curiosity, because when I ask a lot of questions I usually get a lot of answers to what I'm looking for. I also find new things that I like to do that I would never have imagined myself doing.

If I was to change one thing about colegio siglo 21,

I would change the strict measures that have to do with "love". We are young and we need adults to believe that we will do the right thing. Also the emotional paranoid thinking, we don't need it! osmond!

something i would change about siglo 21...

If I were to change something from my school I think it would be what we can and can't do.We are only allowed to be in the court yard but that's where the boys play soccer and we get hit every once in a while and it's not fun.I would also like to be able to pass through the batcave and not have a huge door trapping us like animals so that we could go to the kitchen.

School would be more fun if some teachers weren't that strict. My classmates always are uncomfortable with this kind of conduct . I know that we are so rowdy but we are teenagers and maybe sometimes we don't know how to act.
It would be more satisfactory if we could have more discipline and not have some teachers improvising some classes and projects.


I am a person who likes to be free and have fun with the family and friends that I love .
I would say that the best part of being me is that I understand most of the people that I know because I pay atention of what they are talking about and what they need to say.
I give them support and confidence .


My friends say that I'm funny and crazy and that I'm a good friend . I'm the one they can trust and that I'm understanding. I don't know, I think that I'm a good friend.


If I was to change one thing about my school

If I were to change one thing about my school, Siglo XXI, I would focus more on history classes and have a more inspiring teacher who makes you wnat to learn more about the subject. I would also make the 25 peso lunch free so even the poor kids can eat (like me). The last thing that I would change, would be for all the students to be interested in what they are learning in any subject, but they could still have fun and be learning.

jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011


First:do exercies

second:eat healthy

third:dont get mad

fourth:dont estress

fift:do yoga



The most recent thing that happened is, my boyfriend just left to his families private mini resort (6 hours away). So while he is gone, that will give me more time to work on my Black Belt test for next year. I have been preparing for this test since last year, right now I'm writing a thesis and doing 100 hours of service. So far every thing is going great, but at any moment it can get better or worse. I miss my boyfriend very much, so my plan is that if he can go on vacacion why can't I. So this Saturday I'm going to Tolantongo with my family, my momo doesn't want to go because she has a cast on her arm, so she really can't swim, but the rest of the family really wants to go. I'm going to have a blast this weekend if we go, and if we don't we'll just go visit my family in Pachuca, but I'ts still going to be very fun.

10 thing about me....

  1. Smart
  2. Fun
  3. Quiet (in class)
  4. Martial Artist
  5. Discovery Channel daily viewer
  6. Unique
  7. Michael Jackson Fan
  8. FRIENDS Fan
  9. Shy
  10. The Simpsons Fan

What Do I Do To Be Healthy

Usually what I do is exercise every day at least an hour, I eat something small every 3 hours and try not to eat dary or sweets to help my pimples and zits. So far It has been working for me. I feel great inside and out.


Heres ten words about me...
1: friendly
10:happy :)

This year has been very interesting and dificult but also has changed me for the better.Ive realized who is my real friends are and how they would do anything to protect me and for that i have to be thankfull.

Just read :)

Unique name, fashion strange, like to write what I feel, like to sing, like to draw what I think, love to dance, love to dream what I want, love to imagine my perfect life, I'm just me, and I love to express what I feel.
Everything in the life is new, nothing can be the same like other thing. If you stop and look whats new in you, you can see that nothing is the same like yesterday. The changes are for be better. I never be the same girl that I was, and I never have the likes I have before, but the only thing that I can never change is my personality, because I'm a happy person, with many friends that love me why who I am, and because is stupid to change like other person. Like in my school, we were doing a sustainable project with steam boats, solar toys, videos, some history, and recycle materials.

Abish :)
Ten words about me

I'm having a really boring week.
I don't want to explain it.


jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011

The House on Mango Street

The novel, The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros, explores the question of wether a minority girl from a poor neighborhood can live the life she wants -a life filled with riches, a big house and the ability to make her own choices-.

Abish :)

this weekend...

This weekend I have nothing planned but I might go to Leslie's house and watch Movies with her and Abish. I may go to Dolores and watch my dad play basketball and nothing else .
We are having an exhibition. It's about how to compost and also for what is good for your garden an about what to do with your garbage.
The group of advanced English is bringing some compost to show as samples.
Compost can have worms or not.

I'm going to six flags in two weeks. I'm going with the school.




Tomorow we are having the exposition about our sustainable school . We will talk about compost - what can be composted and what can't, benefits of composting and how to compost.
These kinds of activities are important for the progress of the society whith the earth.
We are doing the compost thing here in the school and we want to show the phases of it .

ana vidargas

What's new in English class

Sustaintable school, a project with many expectatives from our future, an espectacular project that can be useful from the earth health.
Sue, our english teacher, help us to do some compost. The compost is useful for plant food without pesticides. That compost will be from a exposition in the school this friday.

Abish :)
One of the new things in english class is that we are reading a novel called "The House in Mango street".I think it's a good book.
This weekend I'm planing to go out with my girlfriend, after that I will go to my ranch with some friends, and in sunday maybe I'll go swiming.
I'm going to a new gym were I exercise my self, but now all of my body hurts.I hope in some months I'll have a nice body.

By:Bruno Garza

what's new in english class!

We are reading this book called ¨ The House in Mango street¨ by Sandra Cisneros. The book is about a girl that tells us her life, her dreams, and hopes. Her life is hard and she knows that. She is a really down to earth young lady who knows what she wants! She has lots on her mind, and she writes about it, about her neighbors, anything. I´m not loving it but, it's interesting. leslie osmond!

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011

I had a party on Saturday. It was a cowboy party. It was my uncle's party. He is a famous soccer
player. He plays for Pachuca team. He thinks that he is a boxer. he wanted to fight with everyone. I got away with my life.


What is new ...

Friday, a relaxing day with nothing new. After shool Leslie, Juan, Javier and I went to eat Burritos, delicious I think, then to buy some Lemon Pie, more than delicious.
All day we were funny, laughing about everything, going anywhere, just having a great time. We went to Starbucks for a smoothie. Bruno went with us, something uncomfortable because Leslie was with Juan and I with Javier, so Bruno was like a third wheel.
The day was ending, the sun was disappearing and many people I knew were arriving to the jardin. One little girl, one of my best friends or that's what I thought, when i said 'Hello' to her she was just like 'Oh yeah hi', and the first thing that passed in to my head was 'Okay she hates me because I broke up with Andres. That's not fair because I think she was one of my best friends :('.
Saturday, a hard day. Woke up and went to work at 9:00 am, no success in it, becuase there were not many clients. Returned to my house and got ready for a important party, Juan's uncle's party. More later ...

Abish :)

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011


what do you guys think is gonna happen in 2012?
many say the world is going to end at one time and we are going to die, the Maya´s calender ends december 21 2012... but i dont believe!

My best friend is going to join the military

My best friend is going to join the U.S. military in about 4 months. He wants to be a military medic. He told me that was his long life dream (dont ask me why but that is his dream). He told me that he will come visit every 6 months, but I'm afraid that something bad is going to happen to him. I'm going to miss him very very much, now that he promised to be my lifelong friend.

Brenna Maawad
In English class we are now reading a book called "The House on Mango Street". We are also investigating who the author is and what she does.
I have just read a few pages of it and it seems interesting even though I don't like read.

By Bruno Garza