jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

Six Flags

Thursday at 4:30 am Leslie and I arrived at "La Aldea" ready to travel to DF to our destination, Six Flags. The trip was tiring because nobody slept well and someone got sick but me and my boyfriend Javier had a great time laughing, eating, listening music, watching the movie or just sleeping on each other. Finally we arrived at Six Flags. Everybody was screaming and getting crazy, talking about the rides, the food, the guys, the girls. Juan, Leslie, Javier and I stayed together and the rest left for another place. We bought flashPas to get early to the rides. When we were ready to get into the Superman, it failed and we started to walk in circles and then someone told us that the rides were ready, so we got on Bumerang, then we went to Batman and after that, we went to eat something. After we ate, Juan and Leslie went to the Kilahuea and Javier and I went somewhere else beacuse we were scared for the ride! At 6:00 pm we went to the Carrusel with Imelda and then we got on the bus and returned to San Miguel. We arrived at 12:00 am. During vacation I will go to FNS2O11 (feria nacional de san marcos 2O11) with my dad and my friends from Aguascalientes. I will stay there one week and then the next weekend I return to San Miguel and after that I will go to Veracruz for a track competition. Abish

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